My dear friend Teresa

Created by Julie 6 years ago
I feel like i have know Teresa all my life, i remember her as a child as my family knew hers and she would occassionaly pop up here and there, i have a very vivid memory of her when we were in her mums shop years back, i was a painfully shy child and she started chatting to me and showing me the clothes and things, and as i grew up i would bump into her now and again and remember her as the girl who had been so kind to me.

But our friendship began when we both went for an interview at good old Woolies, i was 18 and straight out of school, still shy and in a room full of people i spotted Teresa who i thought must have worked there already because she seemed so confident and at ease (and chatty ha) but as we settled to do the test i realised she was at the interview too, i thought i'd got no chance of getting the job against her but we both got a job and she took me under her wing!!

Working with Teresa was fun, but she was always on at me to come out with her (Auntie Angela may have had something to do with that i hear) i gave in one night and she introduced me to all her friends who were all as lovely as she was and i never looked back.

If i thought working with Teresa was fun, it was nothing like going out with Teresa, my god we had some laughs, usually at her expense, poor old Trese was always falling over or getting herself into mischief but she always had the good grace to laugh at herself, Jane said recently how pretty much every night out she's had as an adult has been with Teresa and she's right (even when she said she wasn't out, she'd turn up ha) some of the things i could tell you about what we got up to when we'd had a few too many (well the ones i can remember haha) would make your eyes water (kinda like my eyes right about now) :-(

If i think back to every important moment in my life;- the birthdays, the girlie weekends away, meeting Steve, the weddings, the pregnancies, the babies, the christenings she was there and that's a pretty big hole in my heart to fill.

I know i will never really get over losing her, but thats okay, i'll keep thinking about her, talking about her, dreaming about her and desperately missing her because i was lucky enough to have her as my friend.